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Elimination of Excesses: From Khrushchevkas to Residential Complexes. Novye Cheryomushki District


1955 was a turning point for Soviet architecture. The first secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, Nikita Khrushchev, signed the decree “On Elimination of Excesses in Design and Construction,” which radically changed the development of Soviet construction. The first attempt to put into practice the ideas of the decree that proclaimed “simplicity, rigor of forms, and cost-effectiveness of solutions” became the 9th district of Novye Cheryomushki.

This walk is dedicated to the domestic architecture of the late 1950s (model standardized panel and brick five-story buildings with small apartments—the so-called khrushchevkas—and their later variants), experimental building in the late 1960s and early 1970s (Moscow State University’s House of Postgraduate Students and Trainees) and their modern-day analogues, such as the residential complex Akademicheskaya Zhemchuzhina (2011).

The route was put together by Garage guides Maria Yashkina and Alexandra Suchkova.


Architecture walking tours are not translated into English.

