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The 1980 Olympics and Panel Utopia. Krylatskoe


In the lead-up to hosting the 1980 Summer Olympics, many sports and residential facilities were built in Moscow.

A key center of Olympic construction was the Krylatskoe district, where a sports town, designed to symbolize Soviet sporting achievements, was conceived. After the Olympics, it was frequently visited by foreign guests, including Margaret Thatcher.

Walk participants will see the buildings constructed for the 1980 Olympics, including the Indoor Cycling Track and the Rowing Canal, and will also learn about 1970s standard housing.

As well as sports facilities, this route also includes the so-called Chazovsky House, an experimental residential complex built in the early 1980s, the house of Boris Yeltsin and his team, and several panel buildings representing different types of construction that for many years defined the appearance of Moscow’s suburbs.

This route was created by Garage guide Maria Yashkina.


Architecture walking tours are not translated into English.

